1. Realize opportunities/
tools to expand data sharing,
2. Research funding opportunities,
3. Enhance partnership building,
4. Actively recruit members and volunteers to move projects forward,
particularly SDC restoration,
5. Participate in RMP process,
restoration of Cienega effort,
2017 Carry Over
6. Newly proposed 28,000 residential development
in Benson Subwatershed - planning for sustainable water supply.
7. Status of BLM SPRNCA Resource Management Plan
SB1515 and HB2553 Update: Adequate
water supply; county review: This bill essentially
allows a county that is not in an Active Management Area, through
a vote of the county board of supervisors, to vote not to readopt
the 100-year adequate water supply water requirement if certain
conditions are met. The conditions, which relate to the county or
largest city in the county, include participation in the following:
Groundwater recharge, reclaimed water reuse, water conservation
programs, and use of low water use plants in certain publically
owned areas.
In particular, the bill states that the board of supervisors must
review and may, by a unanimous vote, readopt the 100-year requirement
within five years of the bill’s effective date, and at least
every ten years thereafter. End of Feb., both bills cleared their
respetive branch and were transferred to the other. (Arizona Municipal
Water Users Association)